Bienvenue dans la communauté Nordic Pulse!

Publié le Jan 8, 2025 à 3:22 PM par Rob

Mooney's Bay Ski Centre Remains Closed.
No Grooming 

Mis à jour Jan 9, 2025 à 3:16 PM par Anna

Mooney's Bay Ski Centre Closed.
Due to the lack of skiable snow at our facility the weekend package you are registered for Jan.10-12th has been cancelled. We have issued a refund to your account but encourage you to review our brochure or program online and add your name to the waitlist of the course you are interest in. Based on interest we may be able to open additional courses. 

Mis à jour Jan 10, 2025 à 1:36 PM par Anna

Mooney's Bay Ski Centre remains closed Jan.13- Jan.15th.
All ski classes Jan.13-15th are postponed and participants should have all recieved notification by email.
Any questions regarding our ski program please email [email protected]

No grooming 

Mis à jour Jan 13, 2025 à 11:37 AM par Anna