Good mornin Mt Spokane. Grooming conditions have been a little bit cleaner this evening. Not a bad way to finish this season off. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and took some time to get outdoors to enjoy this beautiful weather. If you're lucky enough to have Monday off, it should be a great last hurrah if you can make it up to the mtn. I'd like to quickly encourage you to get involved with SNSA and come hangout with us over the summer, it's always a blast gettin out on the trails, making it a better place to ski, pickin huckleberries and being a part of the crews who make all this happen. Until next year, be well, be kind and remember to get after it. 
-Capt and The Cowboy 

Reported on Mar 31, 2024 at 9:29 PM by Capt Ginge