Good Morning,

As of 6:50 am the temperature is 3c, cloudy, with some precipitation forecasted for today, temperatures rising to +8c.

Grooming is complete on Busk/Euphrates (excluding East Busk and Camp Busk), Clearwater and the loops (excluding Moose loop) are completed. For our last week of the season we will focus on grooming the Clearwater and Busk/Euphrates systems only, with part of night loop remaining open. 

5 anonymous donors in BC are pitching in an additional $2,000 for a NEW challenge in the Annual Club Fundraiser!  The BC Cross Country club that raises the most $ between now and the campaign deadline in early April will get an additional $1,500 and runner-up will get $500! We have a fair way to catch up to the leader who has raised $2100 already!

So it's not to late to donate to our Track and Trails Fundraiser! Every donation counts: Click Here to Donate NNSC Track & Trails Fundraiser

Closing day is scheduled for April 7th so come on out and enjoy the last week of the season:)

Reported on Mar 31, 2025 at 6:45 AM by Karen