March 28, 2024


We had such a wonderful time hosting everyone this year and can’t wait to see you all on your skis next season!

Stay tuned to you email; I will be sending out an official wrap up newsletter filled with all of the great season highlights for your amusement.

Didn’t get your volunteer hours in this year yet, or maybe you just want something to do while you dream of snow filled glory?

Don’t worry! It’s not to late to to help out with your volunteer hours, we will be active with projects through the off season too; and as you know many hands make light work! Contact us to sign up for some off season volunteer fun.

Thank you to all of our staff, volunteers and community partners, we could not do it without you. And an extra big hug to all of our sponsors and donors, your donations help us in so many big and little ways.

If you are interested in helping us raise money for our spring, summer and fall projects, plus our ongoing trail expansion plans check out our Nordiq Canada Fundraising page to make a donation through the link below.

Reported on Mar 28, 2024 at 7:08 PM