Saturday Jan 18th

NEW SNOW.. 7 cm of powdery bliss to top dress the trails. Right now its like sking through a layer of cloud. Classic would be my choice for today but the skate is firm under the new snow

The moose and calf have been joined by a young bull.  They're mostly hanging around Five Corners, but there were also many tracks on Lowrider and Meadow.  They seem to be making the rounds.   They don't seem to be bothered by skiers, but give them lots of space.

Our wonderful biathlon volunteers are putting on a demo weekend this weekend.  Today,Saturday, between 1:00 and 3:00, there will be a chance to try out the new Ecoaims -- the electronic, non-projectile rifle.  Sunday there will be an informal competition.  Come out and try the sport.

Enjoy the day!


Reported on Jan 16, 2025 at 9:32 AM by Kiosk