Saturday 6-Apr 202


Most manmade snow trails were skate laned this morning, some were trackset.


Expect fast skiing until the sun & air temperature softens the snow surface. 9:42 AM-ish should be just about perfect. 

CALLING ALL CLASSIC SKI SHUFFLERS: End of the season treat for you - see photo. Fresh tracks in a few places, mostly the stadium out to the gravel pit.  The tracks will be fast & fun. Although most of them were purposely put on the shady side of the trail where possible, they will lose their form in the heat. So come and play today! 

Today is the last day of active grooming. The madmade snow has extended the season likely about 3 weeks. After today, instead of getting first tracks @ 9:42 AM, you may want to wait a bit until the ungroomed surface of the snow softens.

DOG WALKERS & WALKEESTop Dog is closed at the NE end, (right by K-9 Intersection where Underdog, Dogonit, & Top Dog all intersect) due to construction.  If you want to access Sun Dog, use Top Dog from Lost Dog Intersection.

Reported on Apr 6, 2024 at 5:00 AM

Weather Conditions: 

CNSC has 1 year-round &  2 seasonal weather, conditions measuring  stations onsite.  ..

South side of the Stadium

North side of the Upper Parking Lot trail

Snow Temperature - Upper Parking Lot trail

Weather guesses:

Environment Canada

Weather Network   Accuweather 

Weather Net    Weather Channel

Updated Feb 15, 2024 at 1:00 PM