Feb 7th - Skogan Pass trails groomed today. Snow base is shallow on Hay Meadows and Skogan Screamer without trackset. Conditions improve quickly with elevation. An ice flow exists on Lower Skogan. A start at Nakiska is recommended. All other trails in the Ribbon area that are open were groomed earlier this week. The valley received about 15cm settled snow in the last storm, more at elevation and less in a few problem areas. Depending also on the base before the storm, some areas still have a thin base, with some low snow hazards and incomplete tracksetting. But, conditions are the best they have been this season!

Ribbon Creek parking and Kovach Pond Parking are closed, along with a few associated trails. Skogan Pass skiers can park at Troll Falls or Nakiska ski area. Kananaskis Village skiers can park at the village. Bill Milne / Wedge Connector skiers can park at Wedge Pond or Kananaskis Golf Course. Skiers venturing south on Bill Milne will eventually be turned around by a giant ice lake.

Skiers may encounter military personnel on snow machines or their machine tracks in the area.  

Reported on Feb 7, 2025 at 4:54 PM by Alex