3/8/25 Sat. 11:30am, LAST Round Meadow Grooming Report, 27°F@5am, no new, beautiful whispering  wind, partly sunny.
NO more grooming on Round Meadow this season. Thanks to USFS for equipment/gas support & help. Don't forget to $upport GNC as they are why we have FOUR excellent nordic venues!

Flattened skate & dusted old track w/drag on Gerrys Way, Fox Run-N, Round Meadow Loop-N, & Chechako. Came out fantastic for spring conditions & an old drag. Patched many thin spots so be wary as spring brings debris to surface & icy sections grow.

Ski with caution as some rocks/roots/stobs/stumps showing in thin spots. Put snow on Fox Run-N big hill & parking entry to cover icy/hard sections. 

Advisory: Round Meadow Loop-S NOT recommended from bridge to parking lot intersection as numerous thin spots/rocks. Advise to ski Round Meadow Proper West to intersection w/ Lookout-N ONLY & turn around to return on Round Meadow Loop-N. Round Meadow Loop-N has icy patches nearer to parking lot. Gerrys Way & Chechako are very good.

Reported on Mar 8, 2025 at 11:30 AM by starski

Grooming M, W, & F in pm generally for Skate & Classic skiing.

If you see a fallen branch, flick it off trail to help the groomers. Thanks!

Bikers: Please consider skiers, stay to firm trails & ride mid-trail, yielding as needed. Run low pressure ~5lbs to minimize tracks.  If making a trough, please turn back.

Walkers: Thanks for staying close to edges respecting center skating space for skiers. Makes it easier to groom! If post-holing, please turn back.

All: Thanks for picking up after pets. Use community trail shovel if needed.

Updated Dec 30, 2024 at 10:00 PM