I am a traveler of both time and space thought your friendly groomer as he took another right turn in middle meadow. For the dial on the machine said the time. And his wristwatch, a casio said the time. And the light in the sky told the time. But something had changed. It was no longer the time.
change has come to Dog Creek. It is the final day of Nordic operations. There is still good fun to be had. As a season that felt all too short, comes to a close your tireless groomer would like to thank everyone for coming out and tearing up his corduroy on a daily basis. It gave him something to do. Otherwise, he might've wild away the times sitting in a soda fountain thumbing through Archie comics and slurping root beer floats. But instead, he had purpose.
A season that saw good times and bad. That saw a sunny snowless January and an abrupt February thaw. But it also saw laughter and camaraderie. as your groomer prepares for the finale, one last number before he grooms off to the great après-ski lodge in the sky to reflect on the season with his fellow groomers and prepare for the long summer's sleep, A little night music seemed appropriate. Even though it is daybreak.
Center stage, he looks up into the spotlight...
Isn't it rich?
Isn't it queer?
Losing my timing this late in my career
But where are the clowns?
There ought to be clowns
well, maybe next year
Nothing Groomed Today | Distance | Open | Last Groomed |
1-3 Days Ago | Distance | Open | Last Groomed | |
Bernese Meadow | 0.88km | |||
Treehouse Loop | 0.69km | |||
Middle Meadow | 0.6km | |||
Great Northern Trail | 1.43km | |||
Pyrenees Path | 0.4km | |||
Moose Meadow | 0.22km | |||
Moose Tracks | 0.4km | |||
Sneaking Wolf | 0.5km | |||
Bear Paw Bypass | 0.42km | |||
Terrier Trail | 0.58km | |||
Lab Lane | 0.37km |
4-6 Days Ago | Distance | Open | Last Groomed | |
Lower Treehouse | 0.25km | |||
Dog Lake Trail | 0.53km | |||
Valley Overlook | 2.73km |
7-10 Days Ago | Distance | Open | Last Groomed | |
Lower Grizzly | 3.48km | |||
Upper Grizzly | 1.05km | |||
Sow's Secret | 0.33km | |||
Cub Cutoff | 0.8km | |||
Eagle Point | 0.47km | |||
Ice Fisher's Loop | 1.99km |
11-14 Days Ago | Distance | Open | Last Groomed | |
Beaver Lodge | 0.55km |