Second pass of Perimeter was completed tonight, and Down the Mountain was double-tilled.

1) Rocks will soon show on the Wall segment of Perimeter, 2) the base is too thin on the new extension/loop at the bottom of DTM/Vview to continue grooming unless we get some spring snow accumulations.  Enjoy those sections while you can.

For the trails not groomed the night prior, consider timing your ski to allow conditions to soften a bit if avoiding the firm conditions is your preference.

Reported on Mar 5, 2025 at 11:55 PM by Kelsey S

Our conditions are still very good for the weird weather we're having. During these spring conditions we suggest that you wait with your skiing until 930  am, or later, for a slightly softer, slower surface. Safety is paramount for us, and you. We do our best to ensure trails are fairly smooth, and you make sure to keep your skis on the ground. Bison grooming will be limited and only when we feel the temps are working in our favor. The Bison weighs in at 14000 kg, so every time we take Bison out we decrease the snow pack in these condidtions. 

We will continue grooming Upper Demo Forest West Fork, but we will not groom East Fork and the Upper Loop due to very wet areas.
Please pickup your season pass at McBike and ensure that you have your DayPass visible while skiing. 

Updated Feb 25, 2025 at 7:20 AM by Jan