Good morning all you interpid skiers!  Mother Nature seems to want to make certain that our snow sticks around for awhile, so she's extending the cold snap.  It's -18 up here.  But it's perfectly still and there's lots of blue sky coming out, so it's a beautiful day.  Just wear lots of layers, and remember that there's a lovely warm fire in the lodge for after your ski.

Almost every trail was groomed last night, except Highlander and Lower Centennial.  That means that everything is in perfect shape following the races and all the snow we've received in the last week.  If you can get all your woolies on, you're in for the best skiing of the season.  It will be a bit slow though -- cold snow isn't as fast as warmer snow.  Time to get out the "Green Special" wac.

The scaffolding that was used for announcer's tower was taken out yesterday, and the big trailers are being taken out as I type this.  Those are the last remnants of our great race weekend.  The whole club can be so proud of the great job we did, hosting the biggest race weekend in Western Canada so far this season.  Check out the write-up in this week's Bulletin.

Another thing we  can be proud of is our clean mountain air.  Unfotunately, it won't stay that way if people insist on idling their vehicles in the parking lot.  Please remember that modern vehicles don't need to idle to keep their engines in shape -- it only wastes gas or diesel.  Save your wallet and our air!


Reported on Feb 6, 2025 at 9:16 AM by Kiosk