For Wednesday and Thursday March 12-13

Snowy days expected. We will be cutting back on the amount we groom as the forecast is that heavy snow will cover the tracks quickly. Upper Mountain will be open but not freshly goomed as its also forecast to be super windy and the trails will drift in quickly.  We have groomed the dog trails, Sundance / Big Dipper loop and a couple of loops in the Valley for Wednesday skiing. May be a better day for classic skiing than skating unless you get out this morning.

Trails are open from 8:30AM and close at 5PM sharp. See the Map and trail list each morning for what will be open & freshly groomed. 

NO EARLY BIRD (7am access for passholders) on Wednesday thru Friday.


STONEGRINDING SERVICE this Friday.  Prepare your skis for spring -  See website for details


BOOK AHEAD to reserve your tickets, rentals and lessons for $ savings and quicker access to the trails. Go to Shop TD to book your ski or snowshoe experience. Private lessons and Private Lesson packages are available midweek to learn how to ski, or to how improve your efficiency


SNOWSHOE TRAILS: Home Range Snowshoe Trails are open for fun non ski adventures. You are always welcome to snowshoe on the sides of the ski trails. A Pass is required for all access within the Ski Area Boundary.

DOG TRAILS: will be open for dogs with season passes. If your dog does not have a season pass - please leave them at home. 


'Inside Scoop' from the Groomers: 

We fired up 2 cats at 4:30AM to go pack and groom right up till opening time. The storm was stalled - so not as much snow as we anticipated. Now its time to let the snow accumulate & the wind to 'do its thing'. Be sure to look at the map to see what we did and did not groom for this morning as the snow has been delayed and the trail we didnt re groom may be a bit rough this morning!


REMEMBER we are still closing at 5PM even tho the days are getting longer. 

Reported on Mar 11, 2025 at 4:59 PM by Sally