Thursday Parks and Rec grooming canceled due to mechanicals. Normal Friday routine of - Cache, Game, May, and SP Loop planned.

Reported on Feb 13, 2025 at 10:54 AM by Abby

No grooming will take place today due to ongoing winter storm. 

Updated Feb 15, 2024 at 7:16 AM by TCJPR GROOM

Staff are grooming valley locations today and will hit Cache and Game tomorrow if avalanche danger is acceptable. Swapping Friday and Saturday schedules. 

Updated Feb 16, 2024 at 9:19 AM by TCJPR GROOM

Due to the ongoing winter storm and pass closure, grooming will not take place at Emily's levee or Stilson/Centennial trail Saturday 3/2/24. 

Updated Mar 2, 2024 at 5:00 AM by TCJPR GROOM

Staff will continue normal grooming operations through Saturday 3/23/24 and will evaluate conditions to determine if grooming will continue beyond that date.  

Updated Mar 18, 2024 at 10:58 AM