Staff will continue Cache and Game Creek through Saturday 3/30/24.  Emily's levee and Stilson will be done after Saturday 3/23/24.  May Park and South Park Loop Rd are done for the season.  High School will be evaluated daily and we will try to get through Saturday 3/23/24 if possible. 

Reported on Mar 21, 2024 at 8:51 AM

No grooming will take place today due to on going winter storm.  

Updated at by TCJPR GROOM

Due to the ongoing winter storm and pass closure, grooming will not take place at Emily's levee or Stilson/Centennial trail. 

Updated at by TCJPR GROOM

Good morning. Bushong Property Services is done grooming for the season due to machine issues.  Cache Creek will not be groomed today up to Noker.  Grooming for the remainder of the season in Cache will not go up to Noker Mine.  Staff hopes to continue thorugh April 1st this year. Stay tuned for updates on the schedule.  

Updated at

Cache Creek was groomed this morning.  3/18/24.

Staff will continue grooming per our normal schedule through 3/23/24 and re-evaluate for next week's conditions and accessibility.  

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