Friday Feb 28: Crust skiing season is beginning! Thank you for staying on the marked trail on Owl Creek Trail as this trail is on private property. Due to the warm temps and minimal snow pack, we are now only able to groom trails in Aspen and Snowmass and have shifted our grooming to late afternoons/early evenings. Best ski conditions will likely be from 10AM- 1PM with firm/icy conditions in the morning.  Last night we groomed Aspen Golf Loop 10, Teaching Loop 00, Moore Loop 20, Snowmass Golf Loop 60 and Lab Lane. This morning we will refresh the groom on upper Rio Grande Trail from Stein Park to Aspen Post Office, Northstar, and then refresh skate lanes on High School Loop 30 and Marolt Loop 40. Increasing areas of melt out are happening system wide, ski with caution and enjoy the sun.  

Reported on Feb 28, 2025 at 1:00 AM by Snow Dog